Barbara Stützel
Psychological psychotherapist, yoga teacher, singer and community coach, born 1966 in Saarbrücken, Germany.
Bettina Steinle -Vossbeck
Bettina is part of the core-team of Durga’s Tiger School – working with us from a few years now.
Bettina spent her childhood between the city and countryside, close to nature and the heartbeat of Mother Earth.
Ena Rivière Feder
Ena has lived and collaborated in different intentional communities, mainly in Spain and ZEGG. Her training background lies in different formal and non-formal settings, including dramatic arts, dance, healing therapies (Shiatsu, Gestalt), group processes (group facilitation, Nonviolent Communication, active listening, process work, forum), natures rites, gender work, and diverse yoga styles (Iyengar, Hatha, and Ashtanga). She also has a glyph: BA qualification in social work and anthropology. In July 2017, she completed the 500 hours Tantra yoga teacher training in Durga’s Tigers School and collaborate as a teacher since then.
Asha Charlotte Kloss:
Asha is Co-founder of the
Aloha Communityand she’s the managing director of the Seminar Centre
She works as chairperson of the association Aloha Education and Health Centre e.V.
Asha is a naturopath for body and movement work. She’s a Body-Enlightenment® Practitioner and Energy Dance® Trainer
She’s certified as Hypno-therapist and Yoga Teacher in Kaula Tantra Yoga
Her hobby among other isto work as organic gardener
Anja Sander
Anouchka Driesch
Anouchka is a naturopath psychotherapist specialised in body-oriented trauma therapy with her own practice in Berlin – Hermsdorf since 2008. She is specialised in Somatic Experiencing (SE) and the Neuroaffective Relationship Model (NARM). Once a month she organises constellation days with family and system constellations. She also trains Reiki masters and gives seminars in all Reiki levels.
In 2020, she became aware of the Durga´s Tiger School Yoga Teacher Training and completed her first 200 hours in Bad Belzig in summer 2021. The training including Kaula Tantra touched her so deeply and was such a great enrichment for her work that she completed the second 200 hours the following year. It did so much to her that she and her eldest daughter decided to take the 2022 training together. Thus she completed the yoga teacher course for a third time. Even the first time, she realised that this training was something special, which became more and more important to her each time. She was able to integrate a lot of what she has learnt there into her practice. The desire to go further became so strong that she will join the team as an assistant this year.